Julian and the Wind


Arthur and Julian share a dorm at a boys’ boarding school. Arthur is in love with Julian, but Julian ignores him. When Julian begins to sleepwalk, a strange intimacy develops between them. While asleep, Julian leaves the dorm and boarding house and walks around the meadow in the school grounds. Arthur follows him outside. At the same time, a mysterious wind gets up that grows stronger with each passing night ...


  • Runtime

    16 min
  • Country

  • Year of Presentation

  • Year of Production

  • Director

    Connor Jessup
  • Cast

    David Webster, Joel Oulette, Joey Klein
  • Production Company

    Big & Quiet Pictures
  • Berlinale Section

  • Berlinale Category


dates of presentation

    1. Urania

      An der Urania 17
      10787 Berlin

    1. Cubix 6

      Rathausstr. 1
      10178 Berlin

    2. Zoo Palast 2

      Hardenbergstraße 29A
      10623 Berlin

    1. Zoo Palast 2

      Hardenbergstraße 29A
      10623 Berlin

    1. Stage Bluemax Theater

    1. Filmtheater am Friedrichshain

      Bötzowstraße 1-5
      10407 Berlin

    2. Cubix 9

      Rathausstr. 1
      10178 Berlin