Kaj ti je deklica


Introverted 16-year-old Lucia joins the all-girls choir at her Catholic school, where she befriends Ana-Maria, a popular and flirty third-year student. During a weekend retreat at a remote countryside convent for intensive rehearsals, Lucia’s growing fascination with a dark-eyed restoration worker begins to strain her bond with Ana-Maria and the rest of the choir. Amid unfamiliar surroundings and the stirrings of her budding sexuality, Lucia finds herself questioning her beliefs and values. As these new desires emerge, they threaten to disrupt not only her relationships but also the harmony of the choir.


  • Runtime

    89 min
  • Country

    Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Serbia
  • Year of Presentation

  • Year of Production

  • Director

    Urška Djukić
  • Cast

    Jara Sofija Ostan, Mina Švajger, Saša Tabaković, Nataša Burger, Staša Popović, Mateja Strle
  • Production Company

    SPOK Films, Staragara, 365 Films, Non-Aligned Films, Nosorogi, OINK
  • Berlinale Section

  • Berlinale Category

    Feature Film

dates of presentation

    1. Stage Bluemax Theater

    1. Cubix 9

      Rathausstr. 1
      10178 Berlin

    1. Cubix 8

      Rathausstraße 1
      10178 Berlin

    1. Colosseum 1

      Schönhauser Allee 123
      10437 Berlin

Biography Urška Djukić

Born in Ljubljana, Slovenia, she has a Master’s degree in media with a focus on film from the School of Arts at the University of Nova Gorica. In 2016, she directed the short animation Bon Appetit, La Vie! which won the Slovenian Film Award. Her most recent short animated documentary, Granny’s Sexual Life, won more than 40 international prizes including the European Film Award for Best European Short Film. Little Trouble Girls is her debut feature film.

Filmography Urška Djukić

2016 Dober tek, življenje! | 2019 Lovka | 2019 The Right One | 2021 Babičino seksualno življenje | 2025 Kaj ti je deklica