

Featuring Indigenous women of various generations, Pidikwe integrates traditional and contemporary dance in an audiovisual whirlwind that straddles the border between film and performance, somewhere between the past and the future. The film explores the links between the intoxication of the Roaring Twenties and our contemporary society. The 16mm filming evokes the largely erroneous representations of early cinema and the exploitation of the female body by the colonial gaze. Pidikwe offers these women the chance to regain control of their image and embark on a process of self-determination, so that they can look to the future of cinema with serenity.


  • Runtime

    10 min
  • Country

  • Year of Presentation

  • Year of Production

  • Director

    Caroline Monnet
  • Cast

    Catherine Boivin, Catherine Dagenais-Savard, Emilie Monnet, Joséphine Bacon, Aïcha Bastien N'Diaye
  • Production Company

    Chantier Monnet, Coop Vidéo de Montréal
  • Berlinale Section

    Forum Expanded
  • Berlinale Category

    Short Film

dates of presentation

    1. Arsenal 1

    1. Cinema Betonhalle@Silent Green

      Gerichtstraße 35
      13347 Berlin

    1. Arsenal 2