Queer as Punk


LGBT punk band ‘Shh...Diam!’ boldly defies its name—Malay for ‘shut up!’—by shouting their truth to the world. Director Yihwen Chen chronicles the journey of this chosen family as they grow, spreading courage with wit, humor, and irresistible charm. Queer as Punk invites audiences into the lives of band members Faris, Yon, and Yoyo, capturing candid conversations during Malaysia’s shifting political landscape. The film delves into themes of self-expression, bodily transformation, love, parental expectations, anxiety, and political participation, all set against the backdrop of a country that denies queer rights. Democracy, stifled by state-endorsed monopolies on religion, desire, and identity, creates a suffocating environment. Amidst the challenges of ‘pink migration’, where many seek spaces to simply exist, collective care and camaraderie become essential lifelines. The Covid-19 pandemic adds another layer of hardship, yet the band perseveres, using their music and gigs to vent, flirt, and share laughs. With their bold sound and infectious energy, ‘Shh...Diam!’ will have you singing along in no time!


  • Runtime

    88 min
  • Country

    Indonesia, Malaysia
  • Year of Presentation

  • Year of Production

  • Director

    Yihwen Chen
  • Cast

  • Production Company

    Locke Films, Talamedia
  • Berlinale Section

  • Berlinale Category

    Documentary Film

dates of presentation

    1. Arsenal 1

    1. Cubix 8

      Rathausstraße 1
      10178 Berlin

    1. Sinema Transtopia

      Lindower Str. 20/22/Haus C
      13347 Berlin

    1. Cinema Betonhalle@Silent Green

      Gerichtstraße 35
      13347 Berlin