
So the story goes, the Nommo were migrants from across the cosmos sailing the sky to planet Earth, descendants from a star that you and I cannot see – with the naked eye at least – Sirius B. For thousands of years we could see Sirius A but Sirius B was known only to the Dogon of Mali. And how did the Dogon know? They were told by the Nommo.
STARS tells of the Nommo – extraterrestrial Afro-hermaphrodite anthro-amphibian migrants: both female and male, of land and of sea, like humans and fish, with feet and fins, scales and skin, ancestor aliens, rainbow chameleons. This is a queer African tale of tails, told through hand-drawn animation, dance music beats, and magical poetry.


  • Runtime

    7 min
  • Country

    Great Britain, Germany
  • Year of Presentation

  • Year of Production

  • Director

    STARS Collective
  • Cast

    Mojisola Adebayo
  • Production Company

    Tamasha Theatre Company
  • Berlinale Section

    Forum Expanded
  • Berlinale Category

    Short Film

dates of presentation

    1. Arsenal 1

    1. Cinema Betonhalle@Silent Green

      Gerichtstraße 35
      13347 Berlin

    1. Zoo Palast 2

      Hardenbergstraße 29A
      10623 Berlin

    1. Arsenal 2

    1. Cubix 9

      Rathausstr. 1
      10178 Berlin