A teenage comedy laced with sex and gore that tells of the horror of becoming an adult. The story revolves around a young high school student. When the innocent Dawn begins to feel her libido awakening she vehemently seeks refuge as a member of the local celibacy group. Her participation in a puritanical campaign sets her positively apart from her step-brother Brad, whose demeanour at home is becoming increasingly provocative. But Dawn's pledge to retain her virginity until she marries comes under threat when she risks becoming the victim of an assault. However, it seems that Dawn is by no means as defenceless as it would seem, on the contrary, she possesses a vagina equipped with a strong set of sharp teeth.
Mitchell Lichtenstein: "In the many cultures in which the myth of the vagina dentara exists, the central story is always the same: a hero must conquer the woman with the toothed vagina. I wanted to turn this story around and make innocent teenager Dawn the heroine. So my film is a bit of a female revenge fantasy about a seemingly normal girl who discovers she has super human power."
88 min -
United States -
Year of Presentation
2007 -
Year of Production
2006 -
Mitchell Lichtenstein -
Jess Weixler, John Hensley, Josh Pais, Hale Appleman, Ashley Springer, Vivienne Benesch, Lenny von Dohlen, Nicole Swahn, Julia Garro, Adam Wagner, Trent Moore, Taylor Sheppard, Ava Ryan Plum, Paul Galvan, Kiri Weatherby, David E. Rogers, Jessica A. Rogers, Timothy L. Rogers -
Production Company
Teeth Llc -
Berlinale Section
Panorama -
Berlinale Category
Feature Film
pictures from the movie
Biography Mitchell Lichtenstein
Mitchell Lichtenstein was born on March 10, 1956 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA as Mitchell Wilson Lichtenstein. He is an actor and director, known for Teeth - Wer zuletzt beißt, beißt am besten (2007), Das Hochzeitsbankett (1993) and Happy Tears (2009).
Filmography Mitchell Lichtenstein
2004 Resurrection | 2009 Happy Tears | 2015 Angelica