Vestida de azul


It is 1983 in Madrid, and six dazzling ladies of the night are plying their trade in fur, stockings and not much else along the Calle de Jorge Manrique – until police cars with flashing lights cordon off the street and haul the six trans women away … “We are high-class whores!” At a brunch with a light mood, they talk in front of the camera – about their experiences as performers and prostitutes, about marginalisation and repressive laws, about their youth and the discovery that they were trapped in the wrong body. The film delves into their everyday lives. It accompanies them amid their families, trying on hip pads and waxing away their hair, getting hormone treatments and breast augmentation. Dressed in Blue is a provocative, seminal classic of queer Spanish cinema. It is hard to imagine the films of Pedro Almodóvar without the ground it broke first. It also transcended formal filmmaking boundaries, combining staged scenes and documentary footage.
The restoration was undertaken from the picture and sound negatives. The director supervised the colour correction.


  • Runtime

    99 min
  • Country

  • Year of Presentation

  • Year of Production

  • Director

    Antonio Giménez-Rico
  • Cast

    Loren Arana, Renée Amor, Nacha Sánchez, Eva Pérez, Tamara Muñoz, Josette Ruiz Orejón, Arturo González
  • Production Company

    Serva Films, S.A., Madrid
  • Berlinale Section

    Berlinale Classics
  • Berlinale Category

    Documentary Film

dates of presentation

    1. ADK am Hanseatenweg

    1. KLICK Kino

    1. Cubix 9

      Rathausstr. 1
      10178 Berlin

    1. ADK am Hanseatenweg