Directed by Jürgen Brüning, Michael Brynntrup, Juana Dubiel, Eva Bröckerhoff, Undine Frömming, Isabella Gresser, Ebo Hill, hollyandgolly, Heidi Kull, Martina Minette Dreier, Peter Oehl, Markus Ludwig, Nathalie Percillier, Kristian Petersen, Jörg A. Polzer, Michael Stock, Waltraud Weiland, Ades Zabel
Fifteen queer crossovers: lesbian filmmakers from Berlin were asked to make a short film about their idea of male gay love and sexuality and, vice-versa, gay men were given the task of making a short film about lesbian sexuality and eroticism. All genres – animation, documentary, drama – were allowed. Filmmakers were also given a free hand in deciding which form their films would take – either experimental or conventional. The only parameters to ...